Desperate for an Anxiety Attack Treatment?

Anxiety takes over every part of your life. It feels like it swallows you up and it is terrifying. When you have an attack, you feel desperate, helpless, and scared. When the attack leaves, the last thing you want to do is think about having another attack.

This is what makes it so hard to find anxiety attack treatments. You feel like just thinking about another attack may be enough to trigger one. So you do everything in your power not to think about an attack.

The problem is, they come back anyway.

Wouldn't it feel great to be in control of your own life again?

Here are some of the best - and fastest - ways to stop your anxiety attacks.

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Using Scents as an Anxiety Attack Treatment

Smells literally go straight to your head - your brain that is. Which is why certain smells can affect you fast.

Dealing with anxiety is no different. Certain smells can stop anxiety and calm your body quickly.

The Top 2 Scents for Anxiety

Lavender - get a small bottle of lavender oil or lotion and keep it with you at all times. When you feel an attack coming on, simply put a dab of lotion onto a tissue and hold it up to your nose. Breath it in and remove the tissue if the scent gets too strong. Repeat this as needed. Lavender is a fast relaxer for your mind.

Sandalwood - another scent that will work fast to relieve stress. Use this like you would use the lavender.

Breathing to Stop Anxiety

When anxiety takes over, one of the fastest ways to calm it is through your breathing. It is important to remind your brain that you are breathing when you start to feel anxious.

Try this easy exercise the next time your anxiety takes hold:

 - Breathe deeply from your abdomen

- Visualize your breath entering and leaving your body

                                Easy Way to Stop Anxiety Attacks

Herbal Anxiety Attack Treatment

Herbs are great. They are safe, but very effective. Healing anxiety is no different. There are many herbs that have been found to help anxiety. Some are in pill form, others you can find in tea.

Herbal pills should be built up in your system in order to work. Be sure to take them every day for the best results.

The Best Herbal Remedies to Stop Anxiety:

 - Catnip Tea - relieves anxiety, very soothing
 - Motherwort - stabalizes emotions
 - Passionflower Tea - helps you to stay calm and relaxed
 - Skullcap Pills - relax the nervous system and help you sleep
 - St. Johns Wort Pills - restores emotional stability and eases depression

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